Nr.: 26
MAN image film for the company location in Oberhausen.
Just in time for the main company meeting and Christmas party, we completed the image film about the Oberhausen site for MAN.
The task was not easy.
Above all, it was to show MAN with its 265 years of tradition as a machine manufacturer with great expertise and, on the other hand, to present a company that, with this outstanding quality, takes on the global challenges of climate change and is part of the solution with its technical innovations.
The people who make up MAN are always a central part of the message. The innovative strength and passion of MAN employees are the driving force behind the company's success.
Nr.: 25
Montagesatz für LK Stellmotor mit einem Fremdmischer
this wintry weekend was a very special one for me, as i was commissioned by Hamburg Marketing GmbH and the advertising agency Jung von Matt to photograph the key visual of the "final draw", the draw for the UEFA european football championship in hamburg. the result of the ongoing draw in the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, on the other side of the harbor, was presented in real time in an installation of overseas containers, painted in the national colors of the participating countries. well over 100 people put their hearts and souls into this unique and elaborate event. vehicles weighing several tons were used in a well-rehearsed choreography to precisely allocate the corresponding container directly after the respective draw.
i waited for the final result of the draw at a height of over 20 meters, hanging in a basket on the arm of a "grab forklift", and then photographed the final picture and processed it directly in the basket at minus temperatures and handed it over to the agency.
i had 10 minutes to do it!
my special thanks go to jens and willi, from HHLA Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, who drove me with this huge "reach-stacker" (grab stacker). i always felt safe with you, real professionals!
it was great fun to be part of this great team.
N.: 24
New website for the KempenKrause Group
For the engineering company KempenKrause we are working this year and next year on a very extensive redesign of their website and many other areas of corporate communication, such as recruiting and the general company presentation, both with photography and in film.
We compile projects throughout Germany into a reference catalog and shoot a film for each location of the KKI Group, which describes and introduces both the location itself and the employees.
The task is very complex and also an organizational challenge for us, but with the great support of KKI we are happy to take on the project with a lot of fun.
stay tuned for more:)
Nr.: 23
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Nr.: 10
Real Time Virtual Reality
Our customer Klöckner Deutschland had the idea to film one of their employees in 3D modelled surroundings/architecture. Real time camera tracking in a green screen studio seemed to be the perfect solution.
We found a studio specializing in real time camera tracking where we could develop this project on site together with our customer.
So, we entered unknown „green“ territory. ;)
In contrast to customary systems where the so-called camera tracking is made after the filming, here the filming itself and the complete data of the on-site camera are being recorded simultaneously, analyzed in real time by the „virtual camera“ of the specific 3D computer program and synchronized with the CGI surroundings/architecture. This gave us the opportunity to view the movements of our model in the 3D surroundings generated in advance and to design the perspective and contents to our demands immediately.
Together with the very supportive technicians of VR3 studios in Düsseldorf we were able to apply our longstanding expertise of 3D and CGI not only to stationary but virtually to „moving“ pictures as well.
Right now, we are refining the film in our post production using photo realistic 3D interior design and interactive motion graphics. Upon completion we will make sure to show it here.
Until then find below the link to the „making of“:
VR3 Studios in Düsseldorf
Nr.: 09
Sustainable Development
Bühler Group’s annual report is completed.
We photographed the members of the executive board and the so-called „Best People“ at the Uzwil headquarters of Swiss-based company Bühler and at their „African Milling School“ located in Nairobi, Kenia.
In the near future Ralph Richter will work together with Burkhard Böndel, CCO of Bühler Group, to establish new guidelines for consistent corporate imagery for photography and films.
An exciting task. :)
Like to take a look at the pictures and the annual report? Here is the link.
Nr.: 08
At the beginning of January we resumed our industrious work with the shooting of Klöckner Deutschland’s first advertising motif.
After their new image film’s successful launch, Klöckner assigned us the job to develop a whole new advertising campaign.
We will be producing all motifs starting with the shooting up to the digital processing in our own workshop.
As before, we cooperate with Castenow Communications from Düsseldorf.
The first motif is going to be published shortly and we will make sure to show it.
The second motif is already in the works.
Nr.: 07
The new year has started with a very special honor.
The BDA (Association of German Architects) has admitted me as their extraordinary member. I am especially pleased as I have had a focus on architecture since my studies of „Foto- und Filmdesign“ at university.
Photographing architecture has always been a focal point for me - when employed for jobs or doing independent creative work.
Nr.: 06
A year full of great and thrilling projects has come to an end.
There was a lot of work and a lot of fun!!!
I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends, clients and customers who put their trust in me and my team with so many projects and ideas.
Thank you.
I wish everybody a happy and successful and healthy new year.
Nr.: 05
We are not to give the show away.
For the next Mercedes Magazine we have photographed the new E-class model using real photography combined with CGI simulations „homemade“ in our CGI studio.
One of the highlights on the set was a portrait shooting. …but as mentioned before it’s top secret and we can only give you a glimpse. The curtain will be drawn in February. :)
Nr.: 04
Done :D
The new image film we had developed for Klöckner Deutschland premiered at the international trade fair „Blechexpo“ in Stuttgart. As already mentioned in our July news, we traveled to a couple of very interesting locations all over Germany, e.g. to Papenburg in Northern Germany. Here, at Meyer Werft, we came upon a lot of assistance for the shooting and were given the greatest possible scope to fly with our drone some thrilling moves in the huge shipyard.
This production comprised the development of script and storyboard (the latter together with Marc Ewert), the staging on the different sites, the 3D realisation, the development of the „look“ as well as the whole underlying organization. The film music was developed exclusively for Klöckner in cooperation with Düsseldorf sound designer Moritz Staub.
A big thank you to Klöckner Deutschland as well as the castenow communications’ team who with the greatest confidence in our work actively supported us throughout the project.
Thank you!
Nr.: 03
For a further project of Schüßler-Plan, Düsseldorf-based engineering company, we literally went ballistic.
Sandra Heupel, head of Marketing and Communications, had a very specific conception for their new image brochure. To meet her requirements for headline and introduction we rose over the construction areas of „Andreasquartier“ and „Kö-Bogen“ in Düsseldorf with our flying camera.

Nr.: 02
At the beginning of October I travelled to East Africa with my team.
For Bühler of Uzwil in Switzerland we flew to Nairobi the capital of Kenia.
During a whole week we were on our way to take photos for the annual report and to film reference scenes for the new Bühler image film, i.e. at the „African Milling School“ recently opened by Bühler in Nairobi and a unique project for the entire continent of Africa.
I will be able to show some pictures soon…
Nr.: 01
Sonophilia -Open Your Ears-
Seda Röder:
"The Sonophilia Summer Retreat is a meet-up of an exclusive community of young entrepreneurs, creatives and influencers. The Sonophilia Summer Retreat brings together people who seek inspiration through music & the arts, are open-minded and are looking for stimulating cross-conversations and new experiences in life."
Seda Röder renowned contemporary sound artist has asked me to create a computer-based film to translate her quality of sounds and her live performance on a Steinway grand piano into a unique and particular visual world for her "Sonophilia Retreat“.
Working with Seda is inspiration and challenge time after time - as it was with our first project "Universal Sound Waves" which we developed together with Düsseldorf artist Thomas Schönauer.
Here its the link to Sonophilia and the film:
>no sound available at the moment<

Nr.: 00
... and finally the new Melia Hotel in Paris

more Images:
...last but not least Melia Hotel in Paris.
... to Oostende... and Prague destination is Luxembourg....

No time for a rest:)
Union Investment has had grand plans and has sent me and my team through Europe:
From Düsseldorf via Prague to Warsaw, from Luxemburg to Paris, from Amsterdam to Oostende.
Multifaceted projects, each and every one a particular challenge. In Prague we had the additional task to take photos for the ad campaign we had started with a major people shooting in Hanover at the end of last year.
Amsterdam was sporting the „Sail“ a spectacular event with thousands of sailing boats from all over the world during our shooting. This turned out to be a fantastic setting for the building to be photographed due to its waterfront location. Being a yachtsman myself I felt obliged to make the very best of it.
See some impressions from Amsterdam below:
A new project has been finalized by bkp architects of Düsseldorf. So we went to Bad Drieburg to take photos of the redesigned Sparkasse Höxter.
The pictures had to be finished real quick, because the editorial team of „Bankobjekte“ magazine was at the ready to publish the project.
ZERO Gravity
In the end gravity wins.
For engineering office Schüssler-Plan with headquarters in Düsseldorf we filmed the spectacular moving of an Airbus A300 to its ultimate landing site on the Cologne airport. The A300 was the last ZERO G plane of DLR (German Space Agency) and ESA (European Space Agency) to carry out parabolic flights.
We filmed time lapse sequences with several static cameras and with our Sony FS7 we filmed in 4K quality the ample technical preparations as well as the moving itself over the duration of two days.
The unprecedented operation which was precisely calculated by Schüssler-Plan culminated in a virtual spot landing, as three supporting points on rear landing gear and nose wheel allowed a mere tolerance of 20 mm.
The high resolution of each individual frame in UHD/4K allows a wide range of applications which was one of the requirements posed by Schüssler-Plan.
The whole 4K material was filmed with 50 fps to offer the highest quality possible.
Look at a couple of scenes.
Here is the link to the film and the timelapse-sequenze.

The Making Of
For the new image film for steel trader Klöckner Stahlhandel Deutschland we travelled to a couple of exciting locations all over Germany, among them the shipyard Meyer Werft in Papenburg.
In the following we will give you an idea of the elaborate production of this film which we realized in cooperation with Castenow-Communications, Düsseldorf.
We were responsible for the whole making of the film, from writing the script and the storyboard, filming on the different sites, cutting of the film and creating the look as well as the overall organization of this project.
Our brand new Sony FS7 was of particular value, and especially in the Meyer Werft shipyard our drones made for fascinating perspectives and camera moves.
The film will be published soon so we will be able to show more.
At the beginning of summer we were to tackle a couple of new projects for Union Investment.
First we went to Warshaw, then to Prague and finally to Paris.
In Prague a model office for the selling of a new office complex close to the airport was to be photographed.
Below some impressions from Prague, the other projects will follow:

Another project we did for our customer Union Investment, this time in Düsseldorf we were asked to take photos of the sixties architectural icon, the former Horten group headquarters.
"SEESTERN 3 reminds us of the architecture Ludwig Mies van der Rohes, who used to be a role model besides Walter Gropius, Richard Neutra and Le Corbusier for architects in post-war Germany - and for Helmut Rhode as well. More than fifty years after completion the refurbishment of SEESTERN 3 will be given in trust to its original creator: Internationally renowned architects RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky were entrusted with the modernization of the revolutionary building designed by themselves (quote from the brochure)".
As a first step we photographed the new model office. The exterior photos will be done after completion of the green space and the park in which the group of buildings is situated.

I am very much looking forward to the joint work with renowned and internationally working Düsseldorf artist Thomas Schönauer and well-known piano-player and performance artist Seda Röder from Salzburg.
As a first draft we have combined three elements from our individual creative work into a mutual performance-art project called "UniversalSoundWaves".
Take a look at the 3D animation under the headline "3D-CGI":

For "acrovis AG" (Dornstadt, Germany) we have designed and produced three visuals to support the launch of a power drink.
All motifs were to be developed entirely in 3D, especially challenging because the main elements consisted of crushed ice.
We developed the specific geometry of crushed ice as well as our own shader to achieve a photo-realistic look even when used for billboard advertising.
Look at the first three motifs:

for the "Dreischeibenhaus" in Düsseldorf!
Congratulations to HPP Architects and MOMENI GROUP. We are very pleased that we could do our bit with photos from the ground and from the air to achieve this goal.
As already announced in our November news, we have finalized the launch campaign for the new Toyota RAV4 Edition S together with art director Klaus Lieck from Saatchi&Saatchi, Düsseldorf.
With Klaus Lieck we have established a close cooperation over the past years particularly during the legendary Toyota Auris launch campaign having been displayed in 20 different versions on literally all advertisement facilities in Germany for almost three weeks.

Full House!
With the beginning of winter Toyota launched a new campaign with four motifs. We have produced these under the direction of Thorsten Altman, creative director of Düsseldorf agency Saatchi&Saatchi.

A long journey brought us to the land of the rising sun.
In Tokyo we were to make a documentation on a Union Investment building for their annual report.
Following a severe hurricane sunny weather with a Union-Investment-blue sky prevailed. The good weather as well as this particular city with its extremely friendly and interesting citizens made our shoot an extraordinary experience.
We would like to come back!
Under the headline "architecture" you will find a "MyTokyo" post in the near future.

For Munich-based "ACROVIS Pharma AG" we are currently developing two key visuals for the worldwide launch of a beverage created solely for men. These visuals will be rendered entirely in 3D. The wish from the board of directors to incorporate "ice" in the visuals is a big challenge for us. Until campaign launch we are not allowed to show more than the product label.

We greatly appreciate having been chosen to realize five Toyota ads by Saatchi & Saatchi, Düsseldorf. The motifs comprise the models RAV4, Auris Hybrid, Yaris and Verso.
We are currently finalizing the motifs and will show them shortly after their release.

Here are some photos from another project for Architekten RKW in Düsseldorf.

Autumn has been braving winter so far with great weather which we made good use of and took pictures of recently finalized projects by RKW-associate Joachim Hein and his team. This year we have documented a stunning total of eleven projects. Among these was the Klosterhof in northwestern German town Kempen which RKW planned for their client Ralf Schmit. We made photos with our flying camera to demonstrate the Klosterhof's urban planning pattern.
But winter was lurking behind the corner: We photographed a winter scene at Neuss Skihalle for design agency Aberham. It goes without saying that we were having a lot of fun as the shoot was around an inflatable sledge - even though it was pretty cold. :) More to be seen after release.
Klosterhof in Kempen

Wohnresidenz in Düsseldorf
Autumnal Photography of Architecture
During the months of September and October we have realised a good many of architectural projects. As a follow-up job we took photos of the Sparkasse in Heinsberg for bkp kolde kollegen. For our customer Union Investment we captured on camera two projects in Amsterdam at one go: The business complex ITO-SOM by famous Japanese architect Toyo Ito and the Radisson Blu Hotel located right in the heart of Amsterdam.
See some examples below or switch to "architecture" for more pictures.
Our 3D department was confronted with exciting challenges as well. We were trusted with the job to create several key visuals for a big pharmaceutical company. Being currently compiled our work will be shown here following the release.

Union Investment, ITO-SOM in Amsterdam

Union Investment, Radisson Blu in Amsterdam

Stuttgart advertising agency Milla & Partner hired us to make photos of two of their design concepts for the Cologne fair "Kind + Jugend" (kid + youth).
CYBEX, prize-winning manufacturer of prams/strollers and children's car seats, set new standards with their 1000 square metre stand designed by Milla & Partner.
For the first time, Goodbaby, globally merchandising company in the same business, presented themselves to the European public with a stand by created Milla & Partner.
Find a couple of photos below.
More to be shown shortly in "Architecture".
In Hanover where the purest standard German is spoken we staged another considerable project for our customer Union Investment. Based on the plans of Kleihuus+Kleihuus Architects the new Kröpcke Center was erected on well-known Kröpcke square next to the clock of the same name. In addition to the architectural shots we were employed to make photos for a new advertisement campaign for Union Investment.
Having finalized these jobs, we travelled to Amsterdam to document two further projects for Union Investment.
Details will follow soon.
See some photos from Hanover below.
Up in the lowlands.
In July and August we were on the road for our customer Union Investment. On sea level as well as a 100 metres above we took pictures of the highest building in Bremen, the so-called Weser Tower, with our flying camera. Serving as headquarters of energy supplier EWE, the building was designed by German-American architect Helmut Jahn in 2006 and erected on the site of the former train station. More than 80 metres high with 22 floors conspicuous Weser Tower is a landmark of hanse town Bremen.
Subsequently, we went to Hanover for a Union Investment advertisement shooting on famous Kröpcke square. More details to follow.
See some photos of Weser Tower below. See more in the section architecture.

This year the weather seems to change directly from spring to autumn without taking a detour via summer. In accordance to the current weather we were assigned the job to develop an advertisement called "autumn deal" :) for their customer Toyota by Düsseldorf advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi.
Under supervision of art director Claus Lieck the advertisement was finalized in 3D within a couple of days. We were also in charge for the post production.

A cooperation with internationally renowned artist Thomas Schönauer to develop for RHEINFELDEN ALLOYS a new 170 square metre stand for the international GIFA 2015 fair recurring every four years has been established. The focus of this cooperation is to create a key visual for RHEINFELDEN ALLOYS' new strategic alignment and new corporate design alike.
Erika Zender, CCO and shareholder of the oldest German aluminium foundry, gave us a carte blanche to strike a new path for this fair.
The design which currently remains secret concentrates on the innovative power of one of the oldest and leading developers of aluminium alloys.
We are glad to say that the 3D visuals which include the stand's architecture as well as the creative expression co-developed by Thomas Schönauer and Ralph Richter were greatly appreciated. As the next step the realization has been initiated together with an experienced stand builder.
The artist Thomas Schönauer works as painter, sculptor and architect as well. See some of his works below.
A very challenging task was offered to Ralph Richter by well-known design company "Griffwerk" from Ulm. Ralph Richter was assigned the job to create abstract 3D visuals for the new range of premium-quality doorhandles designed by renowned design office "Sieger Design". The focal point was to illustrate the new collection's main creative elements through abstractions. Right from the beginning Griffwerk showed a lot of confidence in our work and offered us a wide scope to bring in our creative powers - starting from the development of basic ideas, the realisation of the 3D process, to the finalization of the image. This was highly inspiring for us.
See also 3D/CGI.

The Flying Eye
With our flying camera we made a film on the steel-girder construction of a shed for Zimmermann Architects from Bensheim, Germany, to be presented at the "Hessentag" fair. This film is the first part of an extensive image film for the architects which will eventually combine virtual computer-rendered camera flights with real views of the final project.
Zimmermann Architects intend to demonstrate with this film their competence in planning and target-oriented realization of jobs for potential customers.
Link to the first part of the film:

Welcome aboard the Enterprise ;-)
On behalf of Vodafone Germany Ralph Richter photographed exclusively the new corporate customer area. After the official opening of the so-called enterprise floor in 2012 we were very pleased to be hired a second time to take photos of this important area on the 18th floor in the German headquarters.

Panta Rhei - "Everything Flows" (Aphorism used by Plato to sum up Heraclitus thoughts.)
Referring to this aphorism RKW Architects have planned a new building on the site of Düsseldorf Airport. For the photographic documentation Ralph Richter was hired in order to underline the architecture's design. We have been working with RKW since the mid nineties and will continue this cooperation with eight new projects during the next few months. The photos of these projects will be published by RKW to demonstrate the high standard of their work and will shortly be shown here as well.
See more under the heading architecture.

Following the elaborate and internationally published documentation of the new Vodafone Germany headquarters in Düsseldorf, we have staged another project for HPP Architects: The renewal of the entrance hall of the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. Architect Claudia Roggenkämper, partner at HPP, renewed foyer and cafeteria of the museum which had been originally designed by Vienna architect Gustav Peichl in 1992. The receptionist's desk as well as the cloakroom and locker area were furnished with an almost incorporeal surface to give it a new and modern appearance.
See more under the heading architecture.

bkp-Kolde-Kollegen Architects have been so enthusiastic about Ralph Richter's style of photography that they asked him to portray the conversion of the financial consulting area at the Sparkasse in Euskirchen.
Frankfurt, Zürich, London, New York, Hongkong, Tokio – The rooms are designed to look like the financial centers of the world.

The photos show the contrast between the dark varnished wood-panelling and the light grey floors and ceilings giving the room an exceptional look. The vertical structure of the oak slats show the material to its best advantage. The photographer's job was very challenging because the whole area was to look far more spacious than the 300m2 it measures in reality.
As far as the architects are concerned we surpassed their expectations by far and were honoured with a further job.
See more pictures under architecture.
For Momeni-Immobilien Holding, Hamburg, we created a film to give an overview of their business activities and to be shown as the central element of the company's representation on the occasion of the "Wallhaus Events" in Hamburg. The film was designed to develop a particular style to emphasize MOMENI's extraordinary market position and their high quality real estate. For this film we brought into action our flying cameras to document with stunning perspectives the latest MOMENI project, the "Dreischeibenhaus" in Düsseldorf, to demonstrate the outstanding architecture as well as the first-class location next to the new "KÖ-Bogen". The film is based on extensive 3D motion graphics which we developped for this film exclusively.
Hyperlink to the film
Following the large calendar project "Pure Colour" (see 3D/CGI) for Standox, Wuppertal, part of the 3M Group, Ralph Richter was assigned the job to develop three key visuals for Axalta Powder Coating Systems, another company of the 3M group. This order comprised the reinterpretation of the raw material "powder" for powder coating of surfaces to be staged as key visuals.
See more under 3D/CGI.